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Tuesday, March 25, 2014

To start things off... I'm injured.

Injuries are a part of any sport.  They are inevitable and common so you had better know what to do when you get one; or at least have some people around you that can give you some good advice about how to deal with it. They always seem to come, at least for me they do, when you feel your best.  It has been about 3 and a half weeks since I initially did the damage and since then have done some pretty good rehab, taken some time off, and really looked into why it happened in the first place.

What happened?

I have been bouldering pretty well lately and pushing myself to get a bit better.  I was climbing on some decent sized pinches and was transitioning my body weight from one hand to the other with outstretched feet when all of the sudden I heard a “POP!”  I knew instantly it was bad.  It definitely ended my training for the night and I knew I would be out of the gym for a few weeks.  My finger swelled and within just a few minutes wasn't able to hold on to even the biggest holds without a significant amount of pain.  The night wasn’t a total loss though.  It gave me time to have a few beers with a good friend. 

What did I do?

After a week of no climbing I finally got in to see my doctor.  I strained the major tendon in my right middle finger and a partial tear in the pulley that allows the tip of the finger to bend.  As a climber, this is a bad one.  It is very difficult to climb anything without putting weight on your fingers.  I was told to stay away from training in the gym and putting any weight on my fingers or even moving the tip of my finger as best as possible.  So with significant amount of tape on my fingers I did what the doctor said. 

Two weeks later I went back to the doctor and was given the all clear to take on really light lifting and pulling on the finger.  It still hurts but not nearly like it did at first.  In fact, I was able this week to get back in the gym and climb on sloped holds.  I attempted some bigger crimps but had to back off due the amount of pain.  All-in-all it’s healing.  I just need to be patient and focus on other areas of training. 

What did I learn?

Soon after any injury, I try to look back on the incident to figure out if there was anything I could have done to prevent it. 

1)      I’m too heavy.  I’m 6’ tall and about 175-180 lbs.  Not terribly heavy but about 10 – 15 lbs. lighter and I would reduce the risk of doing this type of thing again. 
2)      I need to stretch more.  This particular week was a really stressful week and I carry all my stress in my shoulders, neck and upper back.  To say I should have stretched for 10 minutes before working out is an understatement.  In reality, I should stretch for 10 minutes or so before every workout, but even more this particular week. 
3)      I need to work on my core strength.  A tighter core would have kept my feet on the wall a bit better and would have taken more of my already heavy body weight off of my hand. 

What do I do now?

Well, now that I am injured, I definitely see things a little differently.  I am doing what I can to put the habits into place to train with more of a purpose.  I installed a hangboard in the garage, and am getting ready to start P90X3 to gain some overall strength, as well as start some more climbing specific exercises on the hangboard. 

That is why I started this blog.  I want to document my progress to keep myself accountable and see where this leads.  I’m 38 with a wife and almost 3 year old daughter.  I don’t have a ton of time on my hands, but this is something I want to do.  Let’s see where it leads.