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Friday, April 18, 2014

P90X3 - Day 11

Two-a-day-Thursday was brutal!  The early morning workout went well.  It was back-to-back pull-ups and push-ups which is something I feel like, if I can get better at, will definitely help me with my climbing.  The final two minutes of the workout is what Tony calls "Burnout".  It is non-stop 1 pull-up, 3 push-ups, over and over again.  I was able to do 5 rounds even though the last two rounds I was only able to muster 2 push-ups each time.

The rest of the day my upper body was TIRED.  I calculated that during the 30 minute workout in the morning I did a collective 43 pull-ups and 93 push-ups, so it was a bit warranted that I was tired.  I was a little worried that I wouldn't be able to climb as well, but I tried to drink as much water as I could to help my body recover a bit before breaking it down again.

I've been doing pretty well eating lately.  Nothing two out of the ordinary, shakeology for breakfast, mostly street taco's or salads for lunch, and a good healthy dinner (chicken and veggies).  I've refrained completely from soda's and sugary drinks.  In fact, I really haven't had much sugar at all.  Although, I did have a few bites of my daughters ice cream cone the other day.  I had to prevent it from dripping all over the place.  I've seriously never seen anyone eat ice cream so slowly in my whole life.  It's pretty darn cute though.

Climbing went okay.  My finger still hurts and having to tape it up to climb doesn't allow me to feel or grip quite as well, so that's a negative.  The morning workout definitely wore me out.  I was able to climb pretty well, but I would get so tired toward the top of any problem that it made it difficult to commit to the moves, so I would typically jump down.  But at least I was up there having fun and working hard.

It was a late night with the climbing and the neighbor kid was up screaming again last night.  I really need to talk to them and ask them to shut their window when that happens.  That's a tough conversation to have. My daughter also woke up in the middle of the night.  I think she had a bad dream so my wife and I didn't sleep well at all.  When 6 a.m. came around neither one of us had the energy to get up and workout.  Unfortunately, I don't have another time today to work out so I will have to double up tomorrow and take Sunday as a rest day.  It'll be okay.

Overall I feel like my body is changing.  I feel like I see a difference in the mirror and feel like my clothes fit slightly different.  I'll be excited to take the 30 day measurements and pictures to see if I have actually changed or if it's just my own perception.  The first two weeks have gone by pretty quickly and I have really enjoyed the workouts so I am hoping it continues.


WE SQUEEZED IN THE WORKOUT!!!  I took off work a little early and we were able to squeeze in our workout between work and church.  I am so glad we did that.  I really didn't want to double-up my workout on Saturday.

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